Social Justice Action Team Purpose

To maximize the power of the congregation to promote justice and equity in the congregation, the wider community, and the world. You do not have to be a member of the Social Justice Action Team to come to events — everyone is welcome to participate.

While we have a long history of individual members and committees having made a substantial difference locally and beyond, there is still much social justice work to be done.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

To increase our congregation’s impact, SJAT identifies a specific Area of Focus and utilizes the Six Circles to accomplish the work. This strategy gives all members multiple ways to be involved, as much or as little, as works best for YOU! 

The Six Circles



Where would you like to grow, make a difference?chalice symbol in the center of the 6 circles of justice - education, direct action, advocacy, witness, leadership development, community organizing

The Six Circles of Justice gives us the ability to laser focus on one Social Justice topic, our Area of Focus (see Downstream Justice Project below) while we maximize the variety of skills and interests throughout the UUSchenectady congregation.

Opportunities exist in the areas of education, community organizing, leadership development, witness, advocacy and direction action.

This provides a wide array of:

  • skill sets for all ages, 
  • time commitments and 
  • interests

Everyone at UUSchenectady has an opportunity to work shoulder to shoulder within our church community and beyond. There are opportunities to get involved as

  • Downstream Justice activists
  • Downstream Justice planners and event leaders, and/or
  • Social Justice Action Team member

Each Area of Focus will have the same Circles, applied differently:

We meet each month on the 3rd Tuesdays at 7p in the Emerson Room. For occasional meeting time changes or moved to online, please confirm with the UUSchenectady calendar link:

Follow us in Circuits


Downstream Justice for the Hans Groot Kill

Purpose: Advocating for cleaning up the creek. Working with the community and the City of Schenectady leadership to modernize sewage pipes along the creek to stop raw sewage from polluting the creek and all points downstream.

Right now: Pollution in the Kill is at an all-time high

Right now: The City is beginning to take this seriously

Right now: Money is in the Infrastructure Bill for modernization

For starters . . . 

Education Circle

  • Articles and informational sheets are available on the links below. 
  • May 22, 2024 Dr. John Garver of Union College presented on the contamination of the Hans Groot Kill to congregation members, community leaders, neighborhoods and the press.
  • Please see the attached Gazette article here: Murky Solution_Waite_HGK_5 26 2024 .
  • A recording of the event will be posted here shortly.
  • Please see a fact sheet here: 6 circles downstream justice

Witness Circle

  • Members have walked the creek

Community Organizing Circle

  • SJAT members have reached out to community leaders
  • SJAT members have spoken at city hall meetings keeping interest alive and connecting with City Leadership as community partners

Where can you take part?

  • Each of the Circles will have actions to take and individuals needed to step up in a number of ways. Please reach out to SJAT at the table at the back of the hall or through the announcement in Circuits to find out today what you can do!



UU The Vote

Following successful efforts in 2020 and 2022, UU Schenectady will engage in UU The Vote efforts in 2024. UU the Vote is a nonpartisan civic engagement initiative focused on strengthening democracy and organizing for justice, accountability, and healing.

About UU The Vote 2024
Here are things you can do now:
  • Sign up to become an election worker and/or let us know you plan to work for elections. Training is a must:
  • Start buying stamps for postcards and letters. We have a box for “Stamp Out Voter Suppression.”
  • Join the fun for theatre and/or song and dance led by Vicki Michela.
  • Writing postcards

If you’re interested in any of the activities, let us know by contacting Kat Wolfram at: kmwolfram_at_gmail_com.


Supporting the Wider Community

Several times a year during worship we have a special collection for a local or denominational social justice non-profit organization because we know we need one another to make the community and the world a better place. The organization is named during the worship service and contributions are invited and then pooled together and sent to the organization.


SiCM is now the Sycamore Collaborative

Throughout our history, UUSS has been connected with programs and organizations that serve the larger community. In 1967 members of the congregations joined with members of local Protestant churches to form SiCM, what was then called Schenectady Inner City Ministries. In 2019, with full support of UUSS delegates, Schenectady Community Ministries created an interfaith statement and commitment. Today there is a community hub, three urban farms, a food pantry, summer meals program, a mobile pantry, and more. In March of 2024 there was a joyful announcement that SiCM had grown into the Sycamore Collaborative. To learn more, read a reflection from John Reschovsky, member of the Social Justice Action Team and delegate to the Sycamore Collaborative.


The Social Justice Fund Panel

UU Schenectady annually offers small grants from our Social Justice Fund through the generous donations of members of the congregation.

Social Justice Action Fund Grant Application Available

We are pleased to announce the annual call for applications for grants from UU Schenectady’s Social Justice Action Fund. We will offer grants between $2,500 and $5,500 for social justice initiatives and activities working towards bringing about systemic change. Applications are due by April 30, 2025 and can be sent to Granting decisions will be announced by May 31,2025.

For guidelines and application process CLICK HERE!

2025 Panel members: Board President, Robyn Salvin, Social Justice Action Team member, Gerry Schuth, and Rev. Lynn Gardner