The Green Sanctuary Team’s programs bring to our congregation the 7th principle of Unitarian Universalism, respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part, and the 7th line of our UUSS Bond of Union, to care for the Earth in stewardship.

Purpose of our team:

With reverence for the interdependent web of all existence, Green Sanctuary works to inspire environmental awareness, action, and justice, through education, celebration, example, alliances, and advocacy, both within our congregation and with the larger community.

Read more about Green Sanctuary Certification here: REACCREDITATION ARTICLE

Read the UUSS Green Sanctuary Congregational Profile here: UU Schenectady GS 2030 Congregational Profile

All are welcome to join in Green Sanctuary Events

Monthly Events: films, book discussions, nature outings, lectures and talks, advocacy, postcards & letter-writing, interfaith connections, fair-trade products, and our annual local-foods celebration, the Locavore Lunch.

Some recent discussion topics include: solar energy, climate change, energy efficiency, composting, local farms, reducing food waste, climate legislation, geothermal heating, and reducing our carbon footprints.

Planning Meetings: all are welcome to help plan our events. Green Sanctuary planning meetings are usually held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. on Zoom. Paula Shaw and Catherine Miller are co-chairs of Green Sanctuary.

Volunteers and newcomers are always welcome. Email Catherine at for information.


Donate Items You No Longer Use:

The Green Sanctuary Team would like to help you with your New Year’s Resolutions to declutter, become more sustainable, and support our community – all at once!

Click HERE for a list of places to donate those extra things that have accumulated in your garage, basement, and closets. This list was updated in December 2021, so contact the agency before you go.