Introducing the Sabbatical Coverage Minister, Rev. Dr. Leonisa Ardizzone

During the time that the co-ministers will be on sabbatical, Rev. Dr. Leonisa Ardizzone will lead worship once a month, provide support for the Board and Staff, as well as be available for urgent pastoral care needs. Some of you have met her when she served in Kingston, NY and was part of collaborative worship services, or when she was with the UU Ministry for Earth.
Currently, she is a Visiting Professor at Vassar College, a Community Minister at the 4th Universalist Society in the City of New York, an organizer for the Rivers and Mountains GreenFaith Circle in the Mid-Hudson Valley where she lives, a member of the Kingston Interfaith Council, and she recently founded the Peace Education Center of the Hudson Valley. (And when she finds the time, she makes music…mostly jazz!) We are so grateful that she will be with UU Schenectady, as well. Her first Sunday leading worship will be January 22nd.