Happy to be your Interim Director of Lifespan Religious Education!

Thanks for the warm welcome I received from those of you who were able to attend the service last week. I’m excited to work with you during this interim period in your RE leadership. As Rev Lynn and Rev Wendy wrote last week, I have lots of experience working with children, youth, and families. I hope you’ll join me in moving forward with a spirit of curiosity as we look at what’s possible for Religious Education at UUSS. Here’s a recent photo of me.

In case you missed my introduction by Rev Lynn and Rev Wendy in last week’s Circuits, I was Director of Religious Education at Albany UU for 14 years, until the spring of 2020. Then I started as the RE consultant to the UU Congregation of Saratoga Springs in the summer of 2020. I received my RE credentialing through the Unitarian Universalist Association in 2011 at the Credentialed level and I have served our cluster of UU congregations, the UUA and The Liberal Religious Educators Association (LREDA, the association of UU Religious Educators) in various roles. My husband, Kevin and I live in Albany, and we have two grown offspring – Molly lives with her husband in Austin, TX, and Wren lives in Queens, NY. I’ll add that I enjoy getting outside and watching the Great British Baking Show. And I bake, knit, and do watercolor with a “beginners mind.”