Halloween Campfire Friday Night October 30th, 7:00 – 8:30 pm

Join the Fun for UUSS team and our goblin helpers for a fun filled Friday night on October 30. Come in costume and have your carved pumpkins ready for display! We will have stories for all ages, both fun and spooky, plus seasonal songs and lots of fun!
The Zoom link will be active at 6:30 pm for informal time to show off costumes and say hello to one another. The campfire officially begins at 7pm with a glowing “gallery view” of all of our jack-o-lanterns, followed by silly stories and songs for the young ones. Then, as darkness deepens and the moon shines bright, the stories will become creepier, so tweens and older kids will want to join in by 7:30 to wave goodnight to the wee ones and settle in for tales that trend towards the tantalizing and bizarre.
Stories from Rev. Lynn, Boston-based “Big Joe the Storyteller,” and UUSS member and Moth Radio Hour teller Ashok Ramasubramanian will be interspersed with Halloween music led by Rev. Wendy. Interested in helping either with behind-the-scenes tech support or sharing a song or story? Email Kristin at clc@uuschenectady.org.