Green Sanctuary Opportunities

Green Sanctuary is highlighting two opportunities for environmental activity.

The first is a webinar this Thursday, 1/12 at 7PM, on the Effects of Plastic on Human Health. The webinar is offered by Beyond Plastics and given by the director of Boston College’s Global Public Health Program. It is easy to get the Zoom link. Just go to and the first topic to come up is the webinar with a link to sign up to receive the link.

The other opportunity is a Lobby Day by NY Renews on 1/18to ask legislators to forward bills to help implement the plan developed over the last two years by New York’s Climate Action Council. The plan was developed with input from all sectors of the population and the economy, but as we have seen, it can be stalled if not supported with funding and other helpful legislation. NYRenews is particularly concerned with effects on marginalized communities. At least two Green Sanctuary folks will be attending and we are meeting at a 905 (rapid bus to Albany) bus stop in Schenectady and will be dropped at the door to the capitol. We can forward you the NYRenews email all about the lobby day. You don’t need to be informed on the details of the legislation. Our job is to express our concerns. NYRenews does have training for us the day of the lobby. For more info or to ride with us, contact Paula Shaw at 518 382 2065 or email her at