Philosophy Discussion Group


The UU Schenectady Philosophy Group meets online Wednesday, May 15th from 10:00 am until 12 noon.  Books we have read delve into the ideas and the written word about - knowledge, truth, reality, reason, ethics, and government. NO prior knowledge of philosophy is needed to participate. To obtain a list of books we have read, … Continue reading Philosophy Discussion Group


Unitarian Universalist Society of Schenectady 1221 Wendell Ave, Schenectady, NY

The UUSS LGBTQ group will host its next meeting on May 17th, 2024 from 7 to 8:30pm. Please come prepared with topics you are interested in discussing with the group in the next few months. Please contact Jenson (jensonpritchard13 at with any questions or if you need to attend the next meeting via Zoom.

Spring Congregational Meeting

Unitarian Universalist Society of Schenectady 1221 Wendell Ave, Schenectady, NY

The UUSS Spring Congregational Meeting will be on Sunday, May 19th. Please make a note of this date in your calendars and plan on attending! All are welcome, and current members are eligible to vote.

Philosophy Discussion Group


The UU Schenectady Philosophy Group meets online Wednesday, May 22nd from 10:00 am until 12 noon.  Books we have read delve into the ideas and the written word about - knowledge, truth, reality, reason, ethics, and government. NO prior knowledge of philosophy is needed to participate. To obtain a list of books we have read, … Continue reading Philosophy Discussion Group

My Canine Master Teacher: Lessons on the Power of Intention (May EBWA program)

Unitarian Universalist Society of Schenectady 1221 Wendell Ave, Schenectady, NY

For its May 23rd program, the Evening Branch of the Women's Alliance is hosting speaker Patricia Nugent, author, retired school administrator, and Reiki master. Call it prayer, meditation, visioning, mindfulness, … Continue reading My Canine Master Teacher: Lessons on the Power of Intention (May EBWA program)

Grief Group

Unitarian Universalist Society of Schenectady 1221 Wendell Ave, Schenectady, NY

Grief is a human response to loss, and includes a range of emotions, including sadness, anger, overwhelm or numbness, denial, guilt, and despair. If you are grieving, you aren't alone. If you have experienced a loss, whether it be a relationship. a job, a health change/diagnosis, a death, a loss of identity or meaning, or … Continue reading Grief Group