Passions of Our Community: As our fall-spring RE schedule comes to a close, we are prepping for Summer RE here at UU Schenectady. This summer our curriculum will be “Passions of Our Community.” Members of the congregation can come and share their passions and love of learning with our kids in RE.

As Mark Twain allegedly said, “I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.” This summer, we want to show our youngest children what learning can look like outside of their traditional classroom, and also show them that learning happens at all ages. When members of the congregation come and share their passions, they are showing our children what learning for learning’s sake can look like and how fun it can be. This summer we will be learning about yoga, storytelling, meteorology, meditation, our natural world, and more!

Equally important, when members come and share their passions, they are sharing a bit of themselves. They are introducing themselves in a new way to the kids in the classroom. We strengthen our intergenerational relationships and create a more cohesive multigenerational community.

So what’s your passion? Yodeling? Making origami? Knitting? Volleyball? How are you going to delve deeper into your passion this summer? Or is there a new interest just waiting for you to learn more about it this summer? Whether you spend time in our summer RE classroom or not, I hope you spend some time this summer growing and learning just for the fun of it.

If you are interested in sharing your passion in Summer RE this summer, please e-mail me at dlre@uuschenectady.org.     Julie Rigano