Dispatch from Your Interim DLRE – May 16th

This Sunday is the Coming of Age service. Our Coming of Age program at UUSS encourages youth in our congregation to explore their own ideas and feelings about religion, faith, and beliefs. This year the advisors, Emma Horvath, Erin Piotrowski, and Arron Tyo have been meeting with 10 youth participants in ninth through eleventh grade, with support from Rev Wendy and Rev Lynn. The group has been meeting on Sunday morning to participate in different activities and discussions. They had an overnight here at UUSS to learn about issues concerning people without homes. They went to Boston a few weeks ago to learn more about our UU history. Throughout the year, they have been exploring the “big questions” of life, working to identify their individual values, and gaining clarity about their own religious beliefs. As is tradition, for their final project of the program the youth participants are asked to create a credo – an expression of their current beliefs or philosophies – and share them in a worship service.

For most of these youth, this will be the first time they will be presenting in front of a large audience. And given the tender nature of their topic, it’s understandable that they have expressed some trepidation about it. We have let them know that while what they are doing is brave, we are confident that the congregants in the Great Hall this Sunday will have nothing but love for them. I hope you will come to witness the fruits of the hard work of these youth this year with joy and compassion.

Leah Purcell, Interim Director of Lifespan Religious Education