Decolonizing Thanks Giving: UUA Virtual Worship Service

Thursday, Nov. 18th at 7:30 pm ET/ 6:30pm CT/ 5:30pm MT/4:30pm PT
Unitarian Universalism’s history, during the Civil War era, is directly connected to the creation of the mythos supporting the US Thanksgiving holiday and the historically inaccurate and harmful colonial narrative of “Pilgrims and the Indians,” and the pageant traditions that perpetuate these harms. In recent years, UUs have made a commitment to reconsider the cultural and colonial foundations of this tradition, in counsel and relationship with First Nations and Indigenous communities. This virtual worship service, intentionally crafted by centering Indigenous people and cultures, is an invitation to come together in that spirit. This service is presented by many Indigenous Unitarian Universalists in collaboration with Relations from local Tribal Communities, the UU Ministry for Earth & Side With Love.