Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – September 29

Dear UUSS~
This past Sunday, Wendy noted that it has been 200 days since our buildings have been closed. 200 days, and so much has changed. Yesterday evening we met with a wonderful group of folks who have agreed to be part of a Ministry Team who will be going the research, preparation, procedures, etc. that will help guide the process of re-opening the buildings, when we are able to do so. The team members are Jackie Citriniti, John Cornett, Alison Dubray, David Pratt, Kim Kilby, Randy Jennings, Bill MacTiernen, and the two of us. As we began, we lit a chalice and shared words from the Rev. Amy Carol Webb who serves a congregation in FL.
“Humbled by all that we cannot fathom in this time,
We come into the presence of what we do know,
Perhaps the only thing we can ever know:
That Love is now and forever
The only answer to everything
And everyone
In every moment.”
We invited everyone on the team to share which groups in the congregation and community to whom they feel connected and accountable. It was moving to hear each of these committed and caring people name those who they hold in their hearts and minds as we face the aftermath of the fire and the pandemic. You may not know it, but there are people who are thinking of you.
The two of us are also thinking about folks we haven’t met yet, because we are thinking about how tricky it must be to begin attending a congregation right now. With the increasing anxiety about the elections, we suspect there are people in the community who need this congregation, who need to have their values affirmed, who want to feel more connected to others. Please reach out to friends and colleagues and invite them to come to church via Zoom or share the Facebook worship services from the UUSS page.
It is not easy to ‘do church’ right now. It is not easy to manage school in its variations of happening. It is not easy to work alone if you have been used to working alongside others or to travel for your work. It not easy to be unable to visit with loved ones. Let this community hold and help sustain you and your family. Come for worship on or off camera, stay for the connection cafe.
The pandemic was complicated enough. Since the fire on Sept. 13th, there are even more things that are unknown. And so, we return to Love.
Again, and again, and again,
– Rev. Lynn & Rev. Wendy