Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – Sept. 28th

Dear UUSS~
When we were in seminary, one of our professors was the Rev. Dr. Dorsey Blake, who also serves as the presiding minister at the Church for The Fellowship of All Peoples in San Francisco. The congregation was started intentionally as the first multiracial congregation by the Rev. Dr. Howard Thurman and Dr. Alfred Fisk in 1943.
When Dr. Blake would lead or participate in worship, he would wear the beautiful green robe that had been Dr. Thurman’s, and that he wore with gratitude, hope, and humility. The robe brought with it a presence… a tradition of powerful prophetic ministry.
Today we give thanks for items that invite us to be present in different ways and remind us of where we are from, who we are, and what we are called to do: A smooth stone from the bank of a river (or two); a beautiful vase made by Lynn’s Mom; a beloved painting by a member of Wendy’s chosen family; a collection of poems, written by a friend. What helps you remember to be present? It doesn’t have to be something outside of ourselves. It can be a birthmark, a scar, stretch marks, our own breath, our own heartbeat.
These words, this prayer by Thurman we offer you today:
“In the quietness of this place, surrounded by the all-pervading presence of the Holy, my heart whispers:
Keep fresh before me the moments of my High Resolve, that in good time or in tempests, I may not forget that to which my life is committed.
Keep fresh before me the moments of my high resolve.” – Howard Thurman
May you experience moments of precious presence today.
With care and in faith~ Rev. Lynn & Rev. Wendy