Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – October 6

Dear UUSS~
There is a picture book by Leo Leoni, called Frederick. It is about a little mouse, who is preparing for the long winter ahead. All of the other mice are gathering seeds and other goodies to eat, while Frederick is just sitting, gazing at the landscape around them. He is storing memories, from which he’ll create colorful poems during the long, cold, dark days and nights to come.
This morning, on our daily walk with Luna, the small, shy dog, we saw so many colorful leaves and flowers… bright reds, deep purples, brilliant oranges and yellows, creamy browns, on the still-green grass or against the blue sky. We want to be like Frederick, and soak in those colors.
There are likely to be dark days ahead-we are after all headed towards winter. There are also likely to be some hard days ahead-we don’t know what the election holds, nor what the results may bring. We have chosen this month’s theme very intentionally because we have seen the cruelty of the last four years and we have seen the posturing of militias, fundamentalists, and white supremacists. We have some worry for the violence that seems nearly inevitable. AND we plan to do everything we can to be spiritually and ethic-ly prepared. Beauty and moments of gratitude are sources of strength for the journey. Allow yourself some time to soak in the landscapes right now. Then sign up for a #UUtheVote event. (see announcement below)
May your days be blessed with time to notice, to breathe, and to create memories of the beauty or scents of this Fall.
in faith~ Rev. Wendy & Rev. Lynn