Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – October 20th

Dear UUSS~
This past Sunday, in keeping with our theme Strength for the Journey, our worship service explored what we might pack in a metaphorical spiritual backpack, as well as what we may choose to leave behind. How might our religious community create shelter for one another? How does our shared ministry inspire and challenge us to live in harmony with the Earth? Which values do you want to have with you as guidance and support? Which values or ideas are not helpful, and need to be set down?
Your ministers or a spiritual director can provide needed spiritual first aid. We can connect you with other resources, if needed. We all may have times when we cannot heal on our own. Which spiritual practices offer you nourishment? If you aren’t sure about what this might mean, know that we are here to help you choose practices that feed your spirit.
And, just as we might pack a deck of cards, a good book, or a tiny disco ball to hang in the tent, just for fun, our spiritual journeys need space for joy! We hope you will join the Fun for UUSS team at the Halloween campfire party on October 30th, for a good dose of fun and play! (see below) And, we know that we don’t all have to carry everything… we can’t. As we say sometimes at the close of worship, we join hands or reach out to one another to remind ourselves that we are all connected and that we depend on each other more than we know.
As politics continues to ramp up, please be gentle with yourselves and one another. There is reason for fear, for anger, for dismay and overwhelm. No matter how you are feeling-honor that and then move through it. Then vote for your values in local and national elections. Our lives just might depend on it.
In faith~
Rev. Lynn & Rev. Wendy