Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – Oct. 10th

What a wonderful turnout we had for Wonderful Wednesday and for worship on a holiday weekend! We continue to expand the circle of belonging!

And… we also grieve the horrifying conflict in Gaza. We share these words from our friend and colleague the Rev. David Miller, who is a Jewish UU:

“In the midst of crisis, can we look for humanity?
In the midst of pain, can we provide comfort?
In the midst of conflict, can we center reconciliation?
In the midst of religion, can we practice love?
In the midst of the world, let us find beauty.
In the midst of the present, let us work for the future.
In the midst of what’s broken, let us promise compassion.
In the midst of the other, let us see the divine.”

Violence anywhere is a potential threat everywhere. May we turn our hearts to peace and embody it everywhere we go.

With humility,

Rev. Wendy and Rev. Lynn