Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – Nov 30th

As December approaches and we begin our monthly theme of Reverence, we call to mind the MLK Memorial in Washington, DC.
We had already climbed the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, and paused near the top, with the engraving at the spot where Dr. King stood to deliver his “I have a dream” speech. In the bright sunshine, we could imagine the crowd, and the sound of his voice proclaiming those now familiar lines with the larger than life statue of President Lincoln behind him. We walked to the MLK Memorial, with a sense of anticipation, and entered through the narrow passage cut into towering granite. It is as though the artist was saying, “come through here slowly, and with intention.”
So much about it evoked reverence for us. We stood in front of the “Stone of Hope” statue, of Dr. King seeming to emerge out of an immense block of granite. Sadness. Awe. Gratitude. Reverence. We walked along the wall that accompanies the block of Dr. King, next to the Potomac River, reading quotes from his speeches, considering the many ways that our lives have been impacted by a man who was killed when we were both very young.
Even the memory brings back a sense of calm, quiet reverence. As we welcome December, we invite you to notice what activities, places, or people evoke reverence in you. We’d love to hear about your experiences.
With care, and in faith,
Rev. Lynn & Rev. Wendy