Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – May 30th

We have been witnessing Spring blooming, growing, and unfolding all around us! This is such a wonderful time to be able to celebrate the centennial of the Flower Ceremony, which was created by Rev. Norbert Čapek in June of 1923, for the congregation he served in Prague. He wanted a ritual that would celebrate the particular beauty of each human being, the abundant loveliness that is created when the congregation comes together, and how our communities offer us a chance to be changed through our connections with one another. The Flower Ceremony was shared, and passed on, and became a UU tradition. This year, we celebrate this simple yet powerful ritual, some of the history connected with it, as well as some new music that was written for the centennial. If you have kids in your family who would like to help with the ritual, please arrive by 10:15. Whether you attend online or in person, we hope to see you on Sunday!
With care, and in faith~
Rev. Lynn & Rev. Wendy