Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – March 9th

Dear UUSS,
We marked the one-year anniversary since the last time we gathered under the dome during worship this past Sunday. This coming Thursday marks the year since we closed the buildings to in-person gatherings. You can see the service on our public Facebook page where we acknowledged the lasts-the last time we did something or saw someone, what is missed. We marked the deaths of the last year or so, too, with tenderness.
We also invited folks to name the firsts during this time-the new learnings, the things we do differently now, the first time we wore a mask. We hope you will view it.
We also note the wise decision of the publishers of Dr. Seuss texts that have racial/racist imagery and/or language to discontinue publishing them, supporting initiatives to encourage all children to thrive. Dr. Seuss made some progress during his lifetime. May we build on that progress in ours and stay committed to interrupting racism in its many and myriad forms.
Letting go of hurtful practices, texts, art, music is a spiritual act. Stopping the harm and making amends is part of that process towards right relationship. We are also complex humans-each of us is more than the worst thing we have ever done. Our Universalism reminds us that we are worthy of God’s love (translate that as needed for your the(*)logical perspective).
May you know you are worthy,
Rev. Wendy and Rev. Lynn