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Unitarian Universalist Society of Schenectady

1221 Wendell Avenue
Schenectady, NY 12308



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Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – March 8th

This past week included some real gifts of connection for us. A dear friend has been posting some very clever and funny photos on social media, and many people had commented that the images would make a great book and several of them were funny or moving or art commentary.
Wendy, knowing how hard this friend works to minister to the wider community, devoted much of our day off and the President’s Day holiday, creating a photo book, along with several of those posted comments, and had it delivered. Our friend was surprised and grateful. In her post, she said, “I have never felt so seen, my friends.”
It took some effort and some additional hours at the computer. And there was no way to know if this friend would like it but Wendy decided to lean into the risk, to risk vulnerability, to risk creatively connecting with this person who lives 1200 miles away. And the circle of connection was strengthened between us.
Here at UUSS, people who had not all met before attended Monday’s Grief Group, and offered one another the gifts of connection, compassion, and care. Saturday’s Religious Education trip to the ice caves meant connecting through fun and adventure for all the attendees.
On Sunday mornings, it has been powerful to witness people re-connecting in person, or entering the building for the first time, feeling connected in a new way. Others are connecting in Zoom before the service or in breakout rooms after worship. Connection is a feeling that we can help create in many different ways.
This month, as we explore paradoxes and polarities, we acknowledge a paradox of connection: human beings are more likely to participate when we feel connected, and we don’t feel as connected unless we participate. If you have been feeling less connected, now is a great time to attend worship, or participate in any church activity, either in-person, or online.
The energy is rising, and it would be great to see you! If you have been feeling very connected… fantastic! Use your creative energy to contact folks you miss and invite them to connect, too.
Together, let all of us keep creating new and familiar ways to strengthen community that all may be connected through love as we nurture the flame of this faith together.
In faith~ Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy