Stewardship season officially kicked-off on Sunday Mar 3! The Stewardship Team has been working for months preparing for the pledge drive. Hopefully, if you were here, you picked up your pledge materials and heard more about the campaign. If you were not here, and you are a member, friend, and/or have pledged before, you should be receiving your materials in the mail this week.
Our theme is Love made real. You can see the beautiful logo that Christy Multer created for this year’s campaign in the announcement about Celebration Sunday later in this issue of Circuits. We also spoke during the service and had our first generosity testimonial of the season, delivered by Dan Leonard. Thanks to Paul Newsome and Kris K. (one of our youth) for making a video and to Lienne Newsome for working to sync up the sound files. John Bacheller is uploading to the website. We hope you’ll watch it before you attend next Sunday’s service if you missed it: Watch it HERE!
Mike MacLaury, Pat Lillquist, Kay and Jim Schlembach, Heide Westergard, Paul Newsome, and chairperson Mark Hyland each lent a hand, a heart, a mind, and a lot of time to prepare for this stewardship campaign. As you consider what generosity your pledge may contain, we hope you will give until it feels good.
Not only must we care for the Earth, we must also care for our spiritual home, living more sustainably within our means, sharing the responsibility for its upkeep, acknowledging opportunity costs of saying no to some things so we can say yes to others (thank you Robyn Salvin for that phrase from your reflection on Sunday), and enacting justice fairly compensating our staff in both hours and wages.
Together, we can reach the pledge goal of $470,000. Let’s do this!
With enthusiasm,
Rev. Wendy and Rev. Lynn