Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – March 29th

What a joy it was to be with many of you this past Sunday, to hear the wonderful weaving of melody and rhythm from Bill Flanagan and Pete Gernert-Dott, and the choir sing, “Pass on the light, pass on the light, from heart to heart, carry it on;” to be blessed by the invitation from Rev. Lauren Smith to “put, put, put, our love choices right here!” and to witness the tangible ritual of giving and receiving as pledge forms filled the baskets and people received gifts from the Stewardship Team.
If you weren’t able to attend via Zoom or in person, the sermon will be posted to the website later this week for a short time. Watch the stewardship page for other videos too! We hope you’ll watch all the videos there to boost your spirits and/or to remind you of your religious community.
Thank you to all the volunteers and staff who helped make Celebration Sunday such a deeply spiritual, joyous, and generous occasion! See Jim Schlembach’s update (below).
As we are coming together again in-person indoors, are you noticing the paradox of how something can be both familiar and completely new all at the same time?
With gratitude for sharing the dance of this paradox,
~ Rev. Lynn & Rev. Wendy