Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – March 26th

Dear UU Schenectady~

Each month we choose a topic for our conversations with those who participate in Brewed Awakenings and The(*)logies on Tap. For March, we chose Balance, in honour of the Spring Equinox. At both gatherings, folks shared ways that they learned about aspects of balance, especially whether “doing” or “being” was more valued during their childhood, and how they may be challenged with balance now.

In closing, we shared what we hold on to… what help keeps us steady. In both groups, people named this congregation and Unitarian Universalism as something to which they hold. Please know that your presence and participation matter… together we can create and offer a steadying force for one another, even when we may not realize it. Each week, people sit in the circle and receive sustenance to face what life brings us. This is such a gift.

Balance is not a static state and it isn’t the same for each person. To move forward, we need a sense of imbalance-that first propelling forward, whether by foot or wheels. So to might we need to lean into the unknown, a sense of discomfort, a feeling of being out of balance in order for spiritual growth to move us forward into the next phase of our lives. What comes easily to one may be a large challenge for another. What feels like a balance of work and play for one may not be the balance another needs to feel more whole, grounded, centered.

In this month of March, may you find ways to intentionally ground and center, even with just a few breaths, right now, as you read this, calling to mind this beloved community and the Love that holds us all.

with gratitude and in faith,
~ Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy