Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – March 23rd

Dear UUSS~
Today we give thanks that those age 50 and above are eligible for a vaccine in NY, and we are jumping into the appointment pool! There is still need for caution and care, and we are also feeling glimmers of hope and possibility. Last Spring, UUA President, Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, encouraged congregations to plan for on-line worship and programs through at least May of 2021. In hindsight, this was such wise and faithful advice. What we know now, is that this May is still too soon for our intergenerational church community to gather safely for worship.
Last night the Covid Prevention and Response Team met, and has three working groups, one for drafting re-opening metrics and stages, one for a process and procedures for small groups, and one to plan for when we are able to be in-person for worship. We want opportunities for small group to gather in person in June, if possible. Dr. David Pratt reminded us that whatever we create, will change. Our friend and colleague the Rev. Julia Hamilton, said in a meeting last week, (somewhat paraphrased) “Closing was specific. There was an end. Things closed. Opening is going to be messy with fits and starts and moving forward and making mistakes and going back and learning and starting again. Let us all be aware of this and patient with one another.”
Today we begin a week of study leave. This will be time for more spiritual practice, reading, writing, learning, and planning. Please know that we won’t be looking at email, or social media. If you have a pastoral care need, or a church related question, please contact church administrator, Susan Marino at, or 518-374-4446, x4.
With care, with hope, and in faith~
Rev. Lynn & Rev. Wendy