Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – March 22nd

We have a few patches of bulbs that we have planted in our front yard. While we have seen crocuses beginning to bloom on our morning walks, ours had yet to emerge until this week. Each day there are more green shoots, with their promise of bright blooms in days ahead.
The past several Sundays have felt like this, too… each week, we see a few more folks whom we have missed, along with visitors seeking a new religious community; the laughter of children and adults as people gather , the gift of having participants both on Zoom and in the Great Hall (92 GH/40 Zoom this week!), the depth of quiet during meditation, and the rising energy of singing together!
It has been a long winter, a hard tough slog these past two years. And while we don’t know what the future will bring, we do know that the bouquet will be more beautiful with you as part of it.
Come to church. Bring your pledge card this Sunday, and celebrate the ways we are Connected through Love. Each of our sparks nurture the flame of this congregation.
With anticipation for this week’s Celebration Sunday, and all that is emerging,
Rev. Lynn & Rev. Wendy