On Sunday afternoon, after the wonderful Coffeehouse and Dessert Auction, we had the gift of attending Albany ProMusica’s production of Considering Matthew Shepard, with powerful and poignant music weaving the heartbreaking story of his murder and the community responses afterwards.
The stories we choose to tell and how we share them, matters. How we listen matters. The meaning that we make of what we hear, and what we feel, matters. The stories we lift up or the ones we forget tell us something. We have been hearing your stories, your struggles in these tumultuous times, and also how many of you have found hope at UUSS by gathering, by taking action. Let us keep sharing and listening.
And consider being part of the larger story:
Protect our first amendment rights- we need to protect the right to assemble, to protest to prevent a complete ‘hostile government takeover’
Learn about the detention of a US citizen and the terrible so-called SAVE act, and so much more…… Take action. More here.
Be part of the story.
Rev. Lynn & Rev. Wendy