Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – June 25th

Dear UUSS community~

Last week, we officially began summer worship services. There was lemonade and iced tea, rather than coffee. As it was a stunningly beautiful day, people headed out to their Sunday afternoon adventures more quickly than in other seasons. As we acknowledged on Sunday at the Summer Solstice service, we need the cycles of light and dark, or activity and rest, of action and reflection. This Sunday, June 30th, the summer Religious Education program will begin. (see more below.)

The ministry teams and advisory committees are encouraged to take July off from meeting, and, instead, devoting more time for play, rest, and reflection in your own lives as well as the shared ministry of the congregation. How has the year gone? What have we learned together? What ideas and hopes do we have for the coming year? These reflections will be part of the congregation’s Annual Report that will come out in August. You might consider how you might want to get more involved. There are one time opportunities as well as chances to get to know a great group of folks and work on projects within the congregation.

We know that your summers include a variety of plans: family time, work, internships, classes or camps, volunteering, vacation, time outside, gardening, music, reading, rest, and more. And, we know that one’s spiritual needs don’t go away, just because the temperatures rise. We still need community, we still need inspiration, and we still need ways to make a difference in the world. So, attend worship when you can… there are some fantastic services planned by members of the congregation and guests, as well. Consider attending one of the Summer Circles, for conversation and connection. There will be opportunities to support River Rising, a new youth leadership program that UUSS will host August 17th-24th. You might sign-up to volunteer for Family Promise.

We will be taking our own advice, and devoting time in July for exploring this part of the Earth, hoping to find a sense of place here, gardening, hiking, resting, playing, connecting with friends and family. We’ll also be reflecting on the past year. We will be attending a social justice training, as well as deepening our spiritual practices. We’ll be doing some visioning and planning for the year to come. We’ll be back at UUSS in August, to begin our third year as your co-ministers. Happy, happy summer!~ Rev. Wendy & Rev. Lynn