Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – June 13th

June is many things, including Pride month. This year, we are especially grateful for our many GLBTQ+ ancestors and kin who have worked, danced, played, struggled, lived and loved before us and alongside us. Some of us have been activists for a very long time, knowing the early days of protests before there were parades. We know that some bridges with families and friends have been broken, burnt, destroyed, repaired, and/or rebuilt. There is still a lot of prejudice and discrimination in our community and in the nation and it takes a certain amount of courage to be who we are and love whom we will.
We think of you, the members, friends, visitors, and staff of UUSS who are queer, trans, non-binary, genderqueer, bisexual, pansexual, gay, lesbian, intersex, asexual, or questioning who show up as your fabulous, wonderful, complex selves, wanting and needing a religious community where all of who you are is welcome.
We think of all of the family members and hetero and cis-gender allies, too, who are committed to learning, growing, working, struggling, and celebrating right along with us.
This June, whoever you are, we invite you to consider how you might acknowledge BGLQT+ Pride. Maybe you will let someone in your life know that you love and support them. Maybe you have wondered why people share their pronouns, why pronouns matter, or aren’t sure about any of the identities listed above and you do some research. Or you could ask either of us… we’d love to help you understand. If you identify as TLBGQIA+, maybe you will choose to attend Friday’s LGBTQ+ gathering.
May we each and may we all live with peace and acceptance of who we are, and who we are becoming.
With rainbows and glittery font, 
Rev. Lynn & Rev. Wendy