Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – January 2nd

Hello, dear people of UUSS~
Happy Gregorian New Year! It is 2019, a new month, a new year, a new opportunity to align your life with you values. This month, the theme in worship is Spiritual Practice, which can look and feel many different ways, just as there are many ways of knowing and learning about what is true.
A spiritual practice is something that you do with intention, attention, and repetition. Spiritual practices can invite us into a deeper relationship with ourselves, one another, with that which is unnameable that connects us, and/or with the holy. Is there a spiritual practice that you’d like to perhaps begin, recommit to, or continue, or further develop? Do you have lingering, persistent, or new questions about what you know to be true and right and how to incorporate more of that into your lived experience? We look forward to exploring and learning with you.
In faith~ Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy