Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – January 14

January’s theme of 2020 Visions of Justice invites us to imagine what might be possible when we focus our energies, efforts, and resources in one direction and move forward together into a more just future.


Using our creativity to imagine a better future instead of just complaining about or being overwhelmed by the present takes practice. It takes open-heartedness. It takes being willing to let go of our habits and patterns that are not serving us. It requires that we learn to think in plural, that is interdependently, rather than individually. It means checking one’s ego and listening for Love’s call for how our UU congregation might act together to serve this congregation, the wider community, and make some effective change in the community through our faithful action, not just our generous financial gifts.

None of this is easy. If it were, justice might already be the norm. We have some work to do together to prepare ourselves to think and act as a congregation rather than as individuals. We will have an opportunity to practice on Feb. 9. UU Schenectady member Viola Abbitt has requested that this congregation ordain her into ministry. What a FABULOUS opportunity to recognize Love’s call in the form of Viola’s powerful ministry. We hope you’ll read more about this below and join us for a special congregational meeting on Feb. 9!

May justice prevail,
Rev. Wendy and Rev. Lynn