Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – Jan. 4th

January greetings~
2022 arrived in Schenectady with a quiet, misty morning. On a morning walk, there was a thin layer of ice on the pond at Steinmetz Park, and a small, artificial Christmas tree had been set up on a picnic table, decorated with lights and candy canes. There was something hopeful about seeing it there, shining brightly through the fog, a shared gift left by someone we do not know, and yet connected through this creative kindness and the courage it can take to publicly risk joy.
As we don’t know who to thank, we can at least acknowledge and feel gratitude for their willingness to lean into what might have required courage to create something beautiful in the midst of such a bleak time.
It has been extra challenging during these past many months to know if our efforts have made any difference, or mattered. We imagine some of you have had some similar struggles. This month, as the congregation explores and maybe even leans into Courage, let us practice courageously and creatively living our faith in ways that bring more compassion, justice, and joy.
If you aren’t currently serving the congregation in some way, we hope you will have the courage to try something new this year. We’d love to help you find a way to let your light shine. There are loads of ways for your gifts to bring meaning to others.
With care, and in faith~
Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy