Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – Jan. 12th

Sedition. Insurrection. Propaganda. Abuse of power. Lies. Frenzy. False claims. Conspiracies. Fear. are never the same thing as lifting up racism, fascism, and other forms of oppression. Do not be fooled that the right wing that attacked the Capitol are just like the far left and do not mistake that those who are connected to Black Lives Matter and who march to make it so are far left.
It is telling when conservative so-called news agencies equate calling out police brutality, racism, and a desire to be treated as fully human with being an ‘extremist’ position. Allow your ear to be discerning in what it hears-know the difference between truth and lies. Recognizing that misleading people who have been disenfranchised into mob mentality wreaking havoc on not just a building but the fragile, imperfect practice of democracy upon which we have staked our lives, is reprehensible. The leaders, some elected, some not who perpetuated such behavior, who fomented such anger abused their power, abused some of those people. Destruction is an easy path. Sticking through the hard times and working to make something better is the healthier path.
Let us not be fooled. As Lin-Manuel Miranda wrote in the musical Hamilton, “Winning is easy young man, governing is harder.” We have a lot ahead of us and there is a role for each of us moving into MLK weekend and the inauguration.
Breathe. Give thanks for what happened in Georgia. Prepare to stay our minds on freedom and not be dissuaded from our work to dismantle white supremacy in ourselves, in our systems, and in our nation. It is clearly not going to go away simply by having a new Congress and a new President and VP. Come to worship and be fed. Reach out to one another as this pandemic rages on. We are in this for the long haul and we need one another for the journey.
In solidarity with the struggle for justice and love,
Rev. Wendy and Rev. Lynn