Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – Jan. 11th

As we write to you on this frigid January day, we are grateful for a heated home and bright sparkling sunshine. It is 9 degrees here, the warmest it has been all day. We know that not everyone in the capital region has a warm place to be and so we are also grateful for the generous contributions to Joseph’s House that were collected on Christmas Eve to assist them with their important work. (see note below)
It was good to see so many of you online for worship on Sunday, joining from nearby in New York, and also from Texas, Florida, Oregon, California, Mexico, and Puerto Rico!
We have heard that this month’s theme of Courage is resonating in some deep and unexpected ways. While we explore the themes throughout each month during worship, they also are woven into our church life in other ways, too. In last night’s Board meeting, Vice President Bridget Almas shared a poem by Amanda Gorman that inspired courage, and in the Caring Team meeting, team chair Sue Brunelle shared these words from Desmond Tutu as we lit the chalice: “All of us experience fear, but when we confront and acknowledge it, we are able to turn it into courage. Being courageous does not mean never being scared; it means acting as you know you must, even though you are undeniably afraid.” However you are feeling today, know that you are not alone.
With care, and in faith~
Rev. Lynn & Rev. Wendy