Dear UUSS community~
As we write, the sky is a bright blue, the sun is rising in the East, a full super-moon is setting in the West, and the snow is shining as though a glitter-loving preschooler created the scene. We are so blessed. Or are we? What does it mean to be blessed, or to offer a blessing? This past Sunday’s service included a ritual. It was a time when members of the Caring Team were offering a few words of affirmation and a small sprinkling of water on each person’s palm who came to them. It was a blessing of hands, a way of offering gratitude for each of us as physical beings, with all the gifts and challenges that individual bodies have.
After the service a member asked if we could meet sometime soon to talk more about the word “blessing.” About what it means, and how it fits or doesn’t fit into their understanding of what is true and real. What a gift! As Unitarian Universalists we claim a free and responsible search for truth and meaning, and that we do so in the context of community. Another member talked about the limitation of our language, and phrases such as “my body,” or especially any talk of a soul, represents dualism, rather than affirming that we are physical beings, not separate from our bodies.
And, one of the beautiful aspects of our faith is that we can gather with different views and understandings of reality, and continue to question, to discuss, and to allow our experiences to inform our evolving faith.
With gratitude~ Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy