Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – Feb. 9th

Dear UUSS~
How are you, in this moment?
It can be hard to know sometimes how we are really doing, especially when our lives have been upended by a global pandemic and we are learning how to do everything in different ways. And yet, it can be a very useful practice to check-in with ourselves and with one another, even briefly.
If when you ask yourself, how am I? Or someone else asks, pause, if you can.
Is my breath shallow? Perhaps how I am is stressed, or frazzled, or nervous.
Is my breath rapid? Perhaps how I am is busy, or rushed, or overwhelmed.
Is my breath stable? Perhaps I am well, or relaxed, or centered.
Our breath can give us a cue for how we are doing physically, spiritually, and emotionally. It is one of the reasons we invite you to receive the gift of your next breath. This life is precious and sacred and each breath we get is indeed a gift. Meditation practices are also often based in a breath practice.
We hope you take a moment to breathe, watch the snow fall for a moment, and ask yourself how you are. See if you can slow and/or deepen your breath for a moment or two.
We hope this finds you safe, and warm, and well. Know that we are thinking of you.
As we explore Living Love as a congregation this month, who is Love inviting you to be? What is Love inviting you to do today?
In faith~ Rev. Lynn & Rev. Wendy