Co-Ministers’ Colloquy- Feb. 8th

Bylaws often include a statement of purpose. In this religious community, the UU Schenectady Bylaws use the language of covenant, of promises we make to one another. We are, after all, a covenantal rather than a creedal faith.
The UUSS Bylaws say,
“ARTICLE 2: PURPOSE The members of this Society covenant to maintain and foster in Schenectady a non-creedal religious society whose purpose shall be to:
  • Encourage a free and responsible search for truth, knowledge, and understanding;
  • Nurture the religious growth of all who participate in the life of this Society;
  • Serve the community;
  • Seek the realization of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all.
Affirming the individual right of conscience, freedom of belief and the democratic process, with reverence for life and respect for the profound mystery of existence, we enter into this covenant, promising to one another our mutual trust and support.”
Though the world has turned upside down these past 22+months, we have continued to consider this purpose statement and adapt and change and alter and pivot and pivot again so that we all can continue to fulfill the congregation’s purpose in the midst of lockdowns, quarantines, variants, technology gifts and limitations, science, political upheaval, all while striving to prioritize inclusion for the most vulnerable among us.
In this month of exploration, what is your role in helping UUSS fulfill its purpose? How might you work and play and pray with others in the congregation to strengthen connections that help sustain mutual trust and support?
We will continue to need to adapt and change as we continue to face some humongous challenges of pervasive systemic racism, climate destruction, and a pandemic (or the next one…sigh). Let’s do that together in community.
In faith,
Rev. Wendy and Rev. Lynn