Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – Feb. 6th


Our lives are filled with once in a lifetime opportunities. Each day, we miss an opportunity. Each day, we miss a road we will not travel. Each day, a road we could travel, misses us. As democracy continues to erode under white supremacy at the border, may we lean into 30 Days of Love (see below). As retribution and violence continue in the Middle East, may we lean into repentance and repair (see below).

As we realize just how little control any of us really have, let us be willing to lean ‘into this tender day’ with open minds, loving hearts, and compassionate hands. Whether you are working the 12-steps of recovery or the journey of healing your physical health or choosing to support your mental health through therapeutic endeavors or simply and fully striving to face the fullness and complexity of this moment, know that you matter.

May our UUSS Mission and Vision, Justice, and Mercy be our guide as we make our way into this tender day…

– Rev. Wendy & Rev. Lynn