Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – Dec. 6th

This month our theme is Risking Joy. How can joy be risky? Well, if we believe that we aren’t worthy of joy, and/or if we have experienced huge losses, it can feel like a huge risk to allow our hearts to be happy. Is joy showing up in your life right now? If yes, did you do something to make it happen, or did it arrive unexpectedly? Was it easy for you to experience joy, or did it felt like a bit of a risk to allow yourself to feel joy fully?
We explored emotions and expectations this past Sunday. Making space for what you are feeling rather than changing it can also be risky, yet so worth it for your well-being. And in this high expectation season, we invited folks to consider what you actually need (rather than what commercials tell you), talk about it as a family and create a holiday(s) that is filled with meaning rather than stuff.
With care and joy,
~ Rev. Lynn & Rev. Wendy