Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – Aug. 15th

We grieve deeply the tragic fires on Maui. Our sorrow is sharp as we consider all that has been lost, that we as a species are losing in this season of weather events that are dangerous, even catastrophic. What is precious enough to commit to protect?
When we are overwhelmed by the enormity of, we first acknowledge it. Then, as the Vietnamese Zen Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh reminds us, we breathe in and know we are breathing in. We breathe out and know we are breathing out.
Our UU faith teaches us of interdependence. We are one with the Earth and the Earth is one with us. When we look within ourselves, what fires need to be quelled? What droughts need to be watered? What anger/heat needs cooling that we might make more peace? What apathy/cold needs warming that we might engage in positive change with others?
These are some of the questions we will be pondering this next week of Study Leave as we map out monthly themes, worship flow, and other faith development experiences for the coming year. We would be interested to read your answers to these reflective questions when we return, if you are willing to share with us.
With deep care,
Rev. Wendy and Rev. Lynn