Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – April 23rd

Ministers in a called position in parish ministry have a Letter of Agreement with the congregation they serve. In that document, there are lots of items spelled out in detail. One of the benefits that ministers receive is Study Leave. The letter notes: “In recognition that Ministers need extended time away from the stresses and demands of daily congregational life to deepen and expand their calling and practice of ministry, the Ministers will have four weeks of study leave per year.” Several of our planned study leaves earlier this year were postponed due to various needs in the congregation. But this week, we are indeed hopefully on study leave as you read this.

Study Leave may include, but is not limited to, spiritual retreat, spiritual practices, continuing education, attending conferences and trainings, work-related reading and planning, study groups, writing, among other things.

This week, we will be engaging in spiritual practices, continuing education, mapping out the remaining worship schedule of the fiscal year, starting planning the schedule for summer worship, preparing for Ministry Days and the Annual Meeting of the UU Ministers Association (UUMA), and likely engaging in interfaith work as the complicated violence in the Middle East continues.

There are immense challenges we are facing with the Earth, nationalism, violence, threats to democracy, racism, anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and contexts, and so much more. We are deeply grateful for the opportunity to engage in practices to build our own resilience at this challenging time, knowing that it will not be enough; that so many of us need some time of deep rest, reflection, remembrance, rest, resilience, (r)evolution, recovery, and so much more.

With gratitude,

Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy