On Monday afternoon, we had a visit scheduled with the wonderful Unitarian Universalists who live at the Glen Eddy, a senior living community in Niskayuna. Wendy needed to be at the church building for the AV installation, so Lynn visited with the ten folks who gathered, bringing flowers to share from Sunday’s service. It was so good to be together, after more than two years without being able to have our regular monthly visit.
We went around the circle, checking in, acknowledging changes and losses as well as what is bringing joy in this spring season. And, there were questions, particularly, “how are things going at the church?” The answer given was, “Hopeful!”
Why, hopeful? Because each week there are more folks returning and new folks visiting. Because the sanctuary was full of energy in a multi-generational, multi-cultural congregation for worship, and then laughter and chatter bubbled up in the back gardens during the egg hunt. Because a dozen-ish 8th and 9th graders completed their OWL (Our Whole Lives) life-saving age-appropriate sexuality curriculum. (Thank you leaders!) Because three more OWL classes will start this Sunday, along with Religious Education classes and youth group. Because #UUtheVote 2022 justice focus is starting up. Because this weekend there are lots of opportunities to celebrate, advocate, and care for the Earth. Because we are hiring a fabulous new music director! Because there is new AV equipment being installed. Because YOU are choosing to read Circuits. We do need to tend to the horror and harm in the world. AND we need to tend to the beauty and hope, too.
With thanks for all that brings us hope~ Rev. Wendy & Rev. Lynn