Co-ministers’ Colloquy – April 18th

In her powerful poem Earthrise, Amanda Gorman includes these important words:
“So I tell you this not to scare you,
But to prepare you, to dare you
To dream a different reality,
Where despite disparities
We all care to protect this world,
This riddled blue marble, this little true marvel
To muster the verve and the nerve
To see how we can serve
Our planet. You don’t need to be a politician
To make it your mission to conserve, to protect,
To preserve that one and only home
That is ours,
To use your unique power
To give next generations the planet they deserve.”
This Sunday, each of us has the opportunity to join with other UUs in worship with a powerful and inspiring leader of color, Leah Penniman. At this juncture, when extreme weather is the norm and sea levels are rising, we need spiritual sustenance to do what must be done to protect our Earth. Come to Doane Stuart and be nourished. See below for details including an important resource to read before coming.
On Sunday, May 7, the UUSS Music Team is hosting an ‘Eyes on the Prize’ fundraiser for the congregation. Come to worship/religious education and stay for a Pizza (pie), salad, and cookie lunch. There will be an instrument case to receive your good will offering! Then, come back into the Great Hall and bid on pies of all kinds in a silent auction (a yummy way to raise money for this year’s budget needs) and then be moved by our very own UUSS musician’s coffeehouse. See details below for how to get involved with this great group of folks and enjoy this wonderful event!
With anticipation,
Rev. Wendy and Rev. Lynn