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Unitarian Universalist Society of Schenectady

1221 Wendell Avenue
Schenectady, NY 12308



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Compassion, Justice, and Joy

Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – April 11th

There is so much sprouting and growing, blooming and greening all around, pushing up through last Fall’s leaves, reminding us that change is constant. If you have attended a service or program at UUSS recently, you may have also felt the springing of energy there, too.
Within our denomination, there is important work happening about articulating our values in new ways, inspired by the principles and sources that are currently in the UUA bylaws, as well as by thousands of conversations and responses. This is deep and sometimes messy work, because out of these conversations and decisions will grow language that will inform how we speak of our values in the years to come. This Sunday’s worship service will explore this process. You can learn more here:
There are also forums to meet the Rev. Dr. Sofia Betancourt, the candidate for UUA President:
On this April day, with so much growing, we share an excerpt of a poem from the anthology, Black Nature: Four Centuries of African American Nature Poetry edited by Camille T. Dungy.
Fearless by Tim Seibles
Is it possible to be so glad?
The shoots rising in spite of every plot
against them. Every chemical stupidity,
every burned field, every better
home & garden finally overrun
by the green will, the green greenness
of green things growing greener.
The mad Earth publishing
Her many million murmuring
unsaids. Look
how the shade pours
from the big branches—the ground,
the good ground, pubic
and sweet. The trees—who
are they? Their stillness, that
long silence, the never
running away.
with gratitude and gladness- Rev. Lynn & Rev. Wendy