Co-Ministers’ Colloquy

There are so many holy days and holidays at this time of year. There are so many expectations placed on us by others, and ourselves. And some of these expectations are unspoken. Those are harder to meet because they are unspoken and often result in disappointment as unmet expectations.

Perhaps this year, we might give one another and ourselves the gift of getting clear on our hopes and expectations and communicating them with other people-not with the assumption that others will meet them but with the intention of being honest, being clear about what we need vs. what we want.

Or perhaps even better-the gift of unexpectation, where we simply open our hearts and minds and be grateful for what comes and when we can’t be grateful, to be curious. And if we can’t be curious, perhaps to set a boundary. We don’t have to welcome everything to our lives. It’s ok to say no to that which would hurt or harm us. Or we can let some things go.

And of course, we might invite our families and friends into this practice as well. What do you need? What do they need? What does the world need? What gifts can you offer to this bruised and hurting world that might make it a little more just, a little more joyful? We are grateful to be on this path of discovery with you.

With faith,

Rev. Wendy and Rev. Lynn