Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – January 10th

Our dear friend and colleague, Rev. Ashley Horan, (who will be the worship leader this coming Sunday,) is deeply committed to justice, change, collective liberation, and love. She also is deeply committed to supporting one another in being human, resting, time for creativity as we do the work of justice making together. She calls it “taking turns for the revolution.”
This Friday we will be setting down the responsibilities of congregational ministry in order to be on sabbatical. We are grateful for this opportunity, to rest, to learn, to listen, and to have intentional time to connect to the Earth and people we love. And, we are so grateful for all those who are leaning in to new and/or increased responsibilities in order to allow that to happen.
We will return on March 25, leading worship on the 26th. We will, undoubtedly, have changed through our experiences, and you likely will have, too. We hope you’ll leave notes, letters, postcards, drawings, cards, questions-things that will help us catch up on the important things that have transpired in your life and in the congregation while we were away. Little stuff, big stuff, celebrations, losses… Stay engaged in the congregation. Attend the Board Open Question event. Care for one another. In a very short time, we will rejoin with you in the evolution and revolution yet to come!
In faith~
Rev. Lynn & Rev. Wendy