Co-Ministers’ Colloquy 10/9

Greetings, dear UUSS community~  Each of us is influenced by a variety of cultures, depending on our identities, our families, where we have lived, our education, workplaces, hobbies, and our religious communities. For those of us who have identities that include dominant cultures, that is, a culture that has ways of being that are accepted, in the majority of power, shared by many others around us, we can forget that our cultural norms are choices, rather than just ‘the way things are.’

When we look carefully at our cultural practices, we have an opportunity to continue with them, or to change them. The Chalice Challenge event on October 20th will be an opportunity to consider culture and identity; our own and the cultures we share at UUSS.

We hope that you can attend. Why? Because your voice and presence make a difference, and the conversation will change with each person who attends. Beloved community is created when folks show up, are willing to listen and risk speaking their truth and to be transformed by what is shared. We have been able to be part of such conversations just this past week, and we are so grateful.

There is much going on in the world that is the opposite of what our faith teaches us. We offer a deep thanks to each of you who is doing one (or many) small or large thing to make the world a better place. If you are looking for ideas-get involved, get someone elected, phone bank, knock on doors and get to know your neighbors and talk about what matters, send postcards to those already in office. We offer support to those who are overwhelmed and could use an ear of listening or a shoulder of care. We are all connected, and we depend upon one another more than we know. Who you are and what you do, matters. In faith~ Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy