Calling all Poets, Writers, and Artists!

Would you like to have your words or art woven through worship and other UUSS activities? Using the theme, “Connected Through Love, We Nurture the Flame,” as inspiration, you are invited to write a poem, chalice lighting, chalice flame releasing, prayer, meditation, create visual art, or short prose piece for UU Schenectady. People of all ages are welcome to send in original submissions!
Text can be sent directly in the body of an email or attached as a Word file (.docx). Artwork or photos should be attached as a .jpg or .gif file. Please use “Nurture the Flame submission” as the subject line of your email to There are so many creative, thoughtful folks in this congregation. We can’t wait to see what you choose to share!
Please send no more than 3 items per person. By submitting, you are giving permission for UUSS folks to use/publish this content in worship, chalice lightings, and other congregational usage, with attribution, of course. Thanks so much! – Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy