Board Reflection

I joined the Board last summer and in these seven months I have learned so much about UUSS and the people who pour their heart into this community. I started attending services in May 2007. I had reached a crossroads in my life and was trying to figure out how to gather myself together as I moved forward, holding on tightly to my values and my self-worth. I immediately felt at home and at peace sitting through that first spring-time service in the Great Hall. The emphasis on balance, meditation, respect for the world around us, was so profound that I felt myself close to tears (and often still do as I sit and reflect during service). UUSS has become a sanctuary in my life and a big part of my identity- as an individual, as a mom, as a partner, and as a teacher. Serving on the BOT has allowed me to better understand how this beautiful community comes to exist and thrive; how it is possible that every Sunday we can show up and experience the messages shared with us by Reverend Lynn and Reverend Wendy, members of the worship committee, the musicians, and others who participate in the service. The commitment of the various team and committee members, the generosity of volunteers, and the shared passion for this community keep the lights on, the budget in check, and the events on the calendar, among countless other things. I understand better than I ever have before what it really means to be a part of this community. I am grateful for the lessons I have learned as a board member, for the people I have met, and for everyone and everything that keeps UUSS here for all of us.                   By Jennifer Edgar-Johnson