Giving Tuesday November 28, 2023

GivingTuesday was created in 2012. Over the past 11 years, this idea has grown into a year-round global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity. The annual celebration of generosity will happen on November 28, 2023.

People can show their generosity in a variety of ways during GivingTuesday⁠⁠—whether it’s helping a neighbor, advocating for an issue, sharing a skill, or giving to causes, everyone has something to give, and every act of generosity matters.

The Unitarian Universalists of Schenectady put love at the center on this life journey – love for one another, love for love, love for Earth. We affirm Black Lives Matter. We are a designated LGBTQ+ Welcoming Congregation. We are a UUA certified Green Sanctuary. We are striving towards an anti-racist, anti oppressive, multi-cultural world.

We affirm a free and responsible search for truth and meaning. We are a faith that cherishes the questions and thrills at the adventure of discovering answers, making space for minds and hearts to change over time as we continue to learn from one another. We learn, we act, we reflect.

We affirm generosity. We offer gratitude to one another. We have a monthly
collection to benefit another non-profit. We generously volunteer and show up and
raise our voices or listen deeply. For us to continue our transformative ministry in the
congregation and the wider community, we need your financial gifts of generosity.
Will you join us this #GivingTuesday?
Select ‘Give to Giving Tuesday’ from the dropdown menu and follow the prompts.