Women’s Alliance – Daytime
The dual purpose of the Women’s Alliance is to enrich the lives of people in the congregation by providing opportunities for fellowship, warm connections, and sharing of common concerns — as well as to serve the church, the community, and the denomination. UU Schenectady has a long and rich history of Alliance members who have made important contributions to our church and our community.

All genders are welcome! Also, you need not be a member of the congregation to participate in Alliance activities.
Watch the congregational weekly email blast Circuits for announcements of the date & topics of our monthly luncheons and activities. These are also posted in the church calendar.
The Alliance typically meets for a monthly luncheon, followed by a speaker or program that will stimulate, inform, and entertain with timely topics. During 2023-24, many of our lunches will be at the Turf Tavern in Scotia; others may be in our UUSS dining rooms. We aim for simplicity and good nutrition. Our object is to have folks interact in a relaxed fashion.
2023-24 Officers & Board Members
Our group is run by an Executive Board:
Co-Presidents: Nancy Bogdanowicz & Crys Hamelink
Treasurer: Sandra Reschovsky
Program Chair: Melinda Perrin
Membership & Hospitality: Patti Foley-Hess
Special Appeals: Pat Lillquist
Publicity: Christy Multer
Board Members at Large: Melanie Bouton & Mikee Bouton
Special Appeals
The Alliance continues its tradition of annual charitable contributions through Special Appeals. In the past we held fundraisers to support our congregation, denomination, and community. We now typically use investment sources to accomplish this purpose. Most recently, in May 2023, Alliance members unanimously approved a recommendation from Special Appeals Chair Pat Lillquist to split the Special Appeals money of approximately $3,800 three ways among: COCOA House on Staley Street in Schenectady, C.R.E.A.T.E. Community Studios on Erie Blvd. in Schenectady, and our own Board of Trustees’ goal of purchasing a larger, more environmentally friendly refrigerator for the church kitchen.
Some members of the Alliance are also members of our parent organization, the Unitarian Universalist Women’s Federation.