
Rev. Lynn Gardner & Rev. Wendy Bartel

Rev. Lynn Gardner [LIN GARD-ner] and Rev. Wendy Bartel [WEN-dee bar-TEL]

We are responsible for myriad ministries within and a few beyond the congregation. With the mission and vision as our focus, we are Head of Staff and serve on the Board, Ministry Teams, and Advisory Committees. We are responsible for worship, pastoral care, fundraising, and many, many other things under policy-based governance.

When we’re not working, you might find us in the garden, on the trail, making music, walking our dog, eating fair trade chocolate, dismantling white supremacy, and deconstructing the hetero-patriarchy. We were married in 2008 and have an adult daughter.

Rev. Lynn’s pronouns: she, her, hers or they, them, theirs

Rev. Wendy’s pronouns: Please use my name. She, he, and they do not fit my gender identity.

Phone: 518-374-4446 Ext. 3


Program Staff


Administrator – Lillian Johnson [LIL-ee-ann JON-sun] [Full-time]

I am delighted to employ my skills from my diverse employment background in supporting the mission and vision of the congregation and the shared ministries here. I offer support to the Stewardship Team and the Buildings and Grounds Team in particular.
When I’m not working, I can be found with a book in my lap, a cat next to me, or on a walk in nearby areas.

Pronouns: she, her, hers

Phone: 518-374-4446 Ext. 4


Congregational Life Coordinator – Kristin Cleveland [KRIS-tin CLEEVE-land] [up to 32 hrs/wk]

I work with the Membership Team and its Journey to Membership program, keeping in touch with newcomers and long-time members to help them develop or deepen connections within the congregation. I support the Religious Education and Adult Faith Development Teams, helping to facilitate awareness of the many opportunities offered at UUSS for spiritual exploration and growth. I work with the Caring Team and the Fun For UUSS Team, as well. On Sundays, you can usually find me at the Welcome Table greeting newcomers and long-timers alike.

When I’m not working, I enjoy spending time with my extended family, watching music and storytelling, walking in lovely outdoor settings, and cuddling cats.

Pronouns: she, her, hers

Phone: 518-374-4446 Ext. 7


Music Director – Maria Elmer [ma-REE-ah L-mer] [up to 20 hrs/wk]

I work with the Co-ministers, Worship Team, and Music Team on all things musical in the congregation!

When I’m not at work I enjoy spending time with my family. I also enjoy hiking, camping, and just being outside. When I’m not outside, I like to watch parts of TV shows and never finish them. I also have two cats.

Pronouns: she, her, hers

Phone: 518-374-4446 Ext. 8

Click HERE to watch a video of Maria introducing herself and her role as Music Director:


Director of Lifespan Religious Education – HB Steadham [H B STED-um] [up to 32 hrs/wk]

I am responsible for religious education programming for children, youth, and adults, as well as the supervision of the childcare staff in the nursery. I work with the Religious Education Team to assure quality religious education through classes, programs, and experiences for our high school youth, middle schoolers, and elementary age kids. I also work with the Adult Faith Development Team to provide opportunities for adults to grow, learn, and develop, as well.

After serving military kids as teachers another country for two years, my husband and I now live in a 144-year-old Victorian home with my mother, our three kids, and two dogs and two cats. When I’m not working, I love to read and write, walk through the downtowns of small villages, and make my “world’s-best-mom” chocolate chip cookies. I’m passionate about social justice and living an examined life.

HB’s pronouns: any pronouns are fine

Phone: 518-374-4446 Ext. 6

Click here to watch a video of HB introducing herself and her role as DLRE:

Childcare and RE Support Staff

Floating RE Teacher – Syeed Turner [sigh-EED TURN-er]

I work with the Director of Lifespan Religious Education, the nursery staff, the Religious Education volunteers and by serving as a weekly substitute in our Religious Education program. Each Sunday, I work wherever I am needed most – either leading or assisting in a classroom or working in the nursery. When I’m not working, I enjoy activism, playing Sonic the Hedgehog, watching a Martin Scorsese movie, or being a general annoyance to my family members and friends. I’m just enjoying my life and living it to the fullest, in the best ways I know how. Smiling, lending a hand, making the best of the worst situations, and surrounding myself with a great support system!

Pronouns: he, him, his

Email: If you need to schedule childcare staff, please do so by contacting the DLRE.



Nursery Care Staff – Dawn Armour [DAWN ARM-er]

I work with the Director of Lifespan Religious Education, RE volunteers, and young children in the Nursery, mostly on Sundays. When I am not working I enjoy painting, reading and cooking. I also love to spend quality time with friends, my son, and my four dogs.

Pronouns: she, her, hers

Email: If you need to schedule childcare staff, please do so by contacting the DLRE.


Childcare Staff – Samantha Lewis [suh-MAN-thuh LOO-is]
I joined the team as a Child Care Provider, working closely with the Director of Lifespan Religious Education and young children in the nursery. With a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s in mental health counseling currently in progress, I bring a passion for understanding people and supporting children in a nurturing environment during services. When I’m not working, I enjoy socializing with friends over coffee

and food, guessing the Wordle of the day, and dreaming of one day owning an orange cat named Queso. I’m always fascinated by learning about the way people think and work, and I love contributing to the care and development of children in our community.

Pronouns: she, her, hers

Email: If you need to schedule childcare staff, please do so by contacting the DLRE.

Childcare Staff – Mariah Jackson [muh-RY-uh JAK-sun]
I work with the Director of Lifespan Education and work with the nursery staff. When I’m not working, I am attending school at Union College studying Sociology and Environmental Studies. I am a member of the rowing team and enjoy listening to music and hanging out with my friends. When I’m not at school, I go home to Nashville, Tennessee!

Pronouns: she, her, hers

Email: If you need to schedule childcare staff, please do so by contacting the DLRE.

Facilities Staff

Maintenance Technician – John Harpis [Full-time] [JON HARP-iss]

I work with the staff and Building and Grounds Team. My priorities are maintenance, repair, and safety througout the whole campus.

When I’m not at UUSS, I enjoy landscaping, building things, spending time with my family and friends and hiking with my two dogs.

Pronouns: he, him, his

Email: maintenance at

Phone:  518-374-4446 Ext. 5



If you would like to reach a Minister or Staff member, please write to info @uuschenectady dot org.